Spiritual awakening: Signs, stages and all you need to know.

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Written by: David Oct 14, 2022



A spiritual awakening is a profound experience that can help you grow and evolve as a person. It’s different from religious conversion, though both involve spiritual experiences. A spiritual awakening is sometimes described as the “innermost or deepest aspect of one’s being,” according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Whether you’re just curious about what a spiritual awakening is or are experiencing one yourself, this guide will help answer your questions and get you started on your own path toward self-discovery and enlightenment.

Table of Contents


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The term “spiritual awakening” is used to describe an individual’s sudden awareness of their own soul and its connection to the universe around them. While some people may experience only one episode of heightened spirituality in their lifetime, experts say that others may undergo multiple awakenings over time. Whether you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening for the first time, or you’ve been through it before, here’s what to know about this life-changing experience.

What causes a spiritual awakening?

A person’s spiritual awakening can be triggered by many sources, such as an intense emotional experience (like the death of a loved one), depression, anxiety, PTSD, or even certain physical conditions like brain damage or temporal lobe epilepsy. But regardless of what causes it, once it happens there are several stages that can follow.

Signs of spiritual awakening

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Spiritual awakening is a common and widespread experience that has many possible symptoms. It can be an enriching part of a person’s life, Spiritual awakening can be a positive and enlightening experience for some people. It can happen when we’re young or old, healthy or sick, happy or grieving.

The symptoms of a spiritual awakening vary from person to person but there are some commonalities:

  • A feeling of being separate from the world around you
  • An increase in feelings of joy, love and gratitude in your life
  • A desire to understand yourself better through meditation and self-reflection
  • Increased synchronicities and angel numbers (e.g 1111, 222, 333, 555)
  • Increased feelings of joy, happiness, love, bliss, inspiration and peace
  • Decreased negative emotions such as anger or fear
  • An increased sense of unity with the universe
  • Increased awareness of the world around you.
  • Increased awareness of your place in that world.
  • Increased awareness of your purpose in life, which may involve a new understanding of what it means to be human.
  • Increased awareness of the inner world, exploring emotions and thoughts that have long been repressed or ignored. We might experience feelings we haven’t felt before or understand them differently than before (e.g, anger as protection instead of rage). We may also discover aspects about ourselves that we didn’t know before (e.g, having a creative side).
  • The inner journey can also lead us to visit old wounds from childhood and beyond—wounds that have long been forgotten but continue to affect us today, and heal them through forgiveness and acceptance so they don’t hold us back anymore.

Connections with other people are an extremely important element during spiritual awakening because they help us process all these changes at a deeper level than we could on our own, especially if there is someone else who understands what we’re going through (and vice versa). We may feel more connected to nature and animals during this time as well, perhaps because they show us how to live in the present moment without analyzing or judging it.

Mental signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening

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  • Increased creativity. This can manifest as a desire to create art or music, but also as a need to find new ways of doing things. You may also feel compelled to explore your creative side in other ways, such as cooking or sewing.
  • Increased intuition. You might start noticing patterns in your life that were previously hidden from you—and this can be both exciting and frustrating at the same time. Your intuition will often show up when you’re faced with difficult decisions, or when there is something about the situation that doesn’t seem quite right (even if it seems impossible)
  • Increased focus and concentration. When we’re in spiritual awakening mode our mind becomes more focused on what is important instead of getting distracted by unimportant things like social media notifications and TV shows. It’s easier for us to stay focused on what needs attention because our mind isn’t drawn into drama created by people around us anymore either. This means less procrastination too.

Physical signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING DEFINITION, WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING?, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MEANING, spiritual awakening symptoms spiritual awakening test spiritual awakening ruined my life, spiritual awakening stages, what happens after spiritual awakening, 7 stages of spiritual awakening, 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, causes of spiritual awakening,

  • Increased energy
  • Feeling of floating or being detached from your body. You may also feel like you’re vibrating inside your own body. This can be accompanied by a sense of euphoria or bliss. In addition, some people have reported hearing music when this happens. They describe it as if they are at a concert listening to their favorite band or can see colors in their mind’s eye that were previously unknown to them.

Emotional signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening.

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING DEFINITION, WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING?, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MEANING, spiritual awakening symptoms spiritual awakening test spiritual awakening ruined my life, spiritual awakening stages, what happens after spiritual awakening, 7 stages of spiritual awakening, 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, causes of spiritual awakening,

Spiritual awakening can also be accompanied by an array of emotional signs and symptoms. You may feel connected to people in a way you never have before, as if you know them better than you ever thought possible. You might also experience emotional sensitivity, feeling every emotion with an intensity that is transformative. You might feel peaceful and calm on the inside, even in the midst of chaos around you.

You may come to fear nothing in life, not even death itself—and are able to meet challenges head-on without flinching or backing down from them. You will begin to think about things differently, your entire outlook on life may transform into one that is more positive and hopeful than it has ever been before.

You will sense a purpose for life that wasn’t there before, spiritual awakening can give us a sense of meaning we didn’t have before (and perhaps even make us more aware of how much good there is in this world). Finally, spiritual awakening brings with it an overwhelming feeling of connection with everything else in existence. We’re all part of something bigger than ourselves—a universe that exists outside our own minds but which lives within each one us at the same time.

Relationship signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening.

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING DEFINITION, WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING?, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MEANING, spiritual awakening symptoms spiritual awakening test spiritual awakening ruined my life, spiritual awakening stages, what happens after spiritual awakening, 7 stages of spiritual awakening, 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, causes of spiritual awakening,

You may begin to feel a stronger connection to your family and friends. This can manifest as:

  • Increased empathy for others
  • A greater desire to help those in need than you did before your awakening
  • A desire to help animals, the planet and people in general.

Stages of spiritual awakening

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING DEFINITION, WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING?, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MEANING, spiritual awakening symptoms spiritual awakening test spiritual awakening ruined my life, spiritual awakening stages, what happens after spiritual awakening, 7 stages of spiritual awakening, 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, causes of spiritual awakening,

Spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery and growth. It is not an easy journey, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life. The first steps on this path will bring you to places you have never been before, including an awareness that there is more to life than what we normally see through our limited perspectives.

The stages of spiritual awakening are outlined below:

  • Dark night of the soul: Dark night is used to describe a period when we are disconnected from God, the divine, source energy, or the universe. This is a stage of your life where you feel lost and hopeless. The ordinary daily activities don’t interest you anymore. At this point in time, you become vulnerable to low vibrational patterns like depression, anxiety, and addictions. You may even be contemplating suicide (which is never an option).

At this stage, you start to believe there’s more to life than what you are being told, so you start looking for answers and meaning to everything. Some people stop believing in their religion, government, and society as a whole. They start looking elsewhere for answers. During this stage, you start trying other belief systems and finding comfort with what resonates with your soul.

  • Increased synchronicities: At this level you begin to experience powerful or unexplained synchronicities such as angel numbers (11:11, 333, 222, 666, 555). Some people come across the “law of attraction”. You start to read about Self-discovery and how to align with your soul’s purpose. You start engaging in beneficial practices like meditation and mindfulness. At this point, some people do their numerology and astrology readings and try to understand their souls and life purpose better.
  • Illumination: This is the first enlightenment period, after a couple weeks or months of meditation and Self-discovery, you totally believe in the power of the universe and your soul. This initial Self-discovery stage comes with a lot of positive emotions and outlook toward life. Now you’re more focused on walking in divine alignment. You start to keep your thoughts and emotions positive. You adopt new positive beliefs and habits like engaging in daily meditation and reading books. Overall you tend towards self-development and try to make your life the best it could be.

         *Take note at this stage, you will lose a lot of friends and unmeaningful relationships, when you’re committed to Self-discovery.

  • Shadow and inner work

At this stage of your Self-discovery journey, reality sets in and you try to juggle both your spiritual life and your daily life. You might have stopped meditating for a while, you might even have given up on walking in your spiritual journey. You feel the connection between you and the divine is not strong anymore, this can happen due to many reasons such as your normal daily life.

This is where shadow work or inner work comes in. Growing up till adulthood, we experienced a lot of pain and trauma which ended up being stored in our subconscious mind or our ego. So when we undergo Self-discovery and important practices like meditation and positive affirmations we often meet resistance from our ego or subconscious mind.

Shadow work is very important as it helps us to move up our self-discovery journey and to help us identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs.

  • Universal oneness

This stage is more like a journey and a continuous process whereby we continue to live in divine alignment with our purpose. At this stage, we are in total acceptance and we are deep in our spiritual journey. We should have connected back to our cultural roots and experienced powerful secrets and insights on our journey which definitely changed the trajectory of our whole life.

From now on its more about the spiritual experience which includes

  • Experience of love, joy and peace
  • Experience emptiness and void Experience feelings of unity with all things
  • Experience feelings of oneness with the universe Experience bliss and ecstasy
  • Experience a sense of being connected to all things
  • Experience a sense of having transcended the physical world
  • Experience a deep connection with your soul and its purpose in life
  • Experience a deeper understanding of yourself, others and the universe.

Who experiences a spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening can happen to anyone. Spiritual awakening is not limited to any particular religion, and it’s a personal experience that happens when you realize there’s something more to life than what you’ve been taught. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, rich or poor—spiritual awakenings happen all over the world at different times in our lives.


SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING DEFINITION, WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING?, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING MEANING, spiritual awakening symptoms spiritual awakening test spiritual awakening ruined my life, spiritual awakening stages, what happens after spiritual awakening, 7 stages of spiritual awakening, 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening, causes of spiritual awakening,

A spiritual awakening is an enriching part of a person’s life. It can be the first step on a path that leads to greater happiness and fulfillment. However, it’s important to remember that everyone goes through this process in their own way and at their own pace. You don’t need to rush into any decisions or feel pressured by anyone else’s experience with spiritual awakening, just follow your heart.

Article written by David Osifo-whiskey, billion dollar CEO, Conscious identity. A brand dedicated to Self-discovery, development and financial freedom

Email us: dmconsciousid@gmail.com

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