Written by: David Feb 3, 2023



Numbers are a universal language. They surround us daily in clocks, calendars, events, and all. Ancient masters and ancestors strongly believe in the power and importance of numbers, everything in this material universe can be broken down into binaries. Our guardian angels also communicate with us through numbers. In this article, we will cover valuable knowledge you need to know about numbers. STAY TUNED!!!

Numerology definition

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Numerology is the study of numbers and how they influence the universe. Numerologists believe that numbers have a hidden meaning and can be used to predict the future. Numerology is based on the belief that numbers have mystical powers and each number carries its own vibration and message that can be used to predict events in your life.

Ancient philosophers and ancestors believed this world is a code of existence that can be broken down into binaries (1’s and 0s). Each and every number carries its own vibrational pattern, frequency, and message.  Just like the great scientist Nikola Tesla said, to understand the universe think in terms of (3, 6, & 9) meaning energy, frequency, and vibration.

Numbers are a universal language.

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At the most fundamental level, numbers are a language that we use to communicate with each other in everyday life. We see numbers everywhere on clocks, calendars, price tags, and more. When you think about it this way, it’s easy to see how numbers are all around us. Also just like any other language or mode of communication, there are rules in place for how one uses numbers effectively—and what happens if those rules are broken?

1 is the Father, 2 is the Mother, 3 is the Child, 4 is the Builder, 5 is the Rebel, 6 is the Teacher or Healer, 7 is the Intellectual, 8 is the Organizer or Successor, and 9 is the Humanitarian.

Our guardian angels also communicate with us through numbers, we have written various articles on angel numbers. Click here to read more about “ANGEL NUMBERS”.

Numbers as a counting system

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We use numbers to tell time, measure things, and count up and down. Even without knowing it, we use them as a way of counting and keeping track of things through the use of our fingers. The number 10 is used for the base of our counting system because it is one of the earliest found whole numbers that can be divided evenly by 2, by 4, and by 5

  • Numbers 1-9 are single digits
  • Numbers 11-19 and 22-29 are double digits
  • Numbers 10, 20, 30, and 40 are double digits
  • Numbers 500, 600, 700, and 800 are triple digits

Numerology Contd

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Numerology is the study of numbers, and how they are used to predict events in your life. It’s also used to understand your personality, future, and past, as well as relationships.

People have always been fascinated by numbers and the relationships between them. There are many different ways in which people have tried to create some sort of meaning from these relationships. One such method is Numerology.

Numerologists believe that every person has a specific vibration or energy frequency associated with their name. By examining this vibration or frequency, they can determine what kind of characteristics that person possesses (i.e., positive or negative), along with insights into areas of their lives such as career success and relationship compatibility with other people (i.e., friends/family).

In numerology, each letter of your name is associated with a particular number, and they are added in a way that leads to a single digit.

There are five fundamental numbers in numerology that act as your life’s guide.  

  • LIFE PATH NUMBER: This is calculated by rounding your birthdate to a single digit.
  • EXPRESSION OR DESTINY NUMBER: This is calculated by adding each single number
  • SOUL URGE: discovered by adding only the vowels of the letters of your name.
  • PERSONALITY NUMBER: found by adding only the consonants of the letters of your name.
  • BIRTHDAY NUMBER: determined by reducing the sum of your birthday to a single digit.

Life path numbers in numerology

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The life path number is the sum of your birth date numbers. The sum of your birth date numbers is the most important number in numerology and represents you as a person.

This is calculated by rounding your birthdate to a single digit. The reason for this is that it gives you an idea about your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions and how to best channel them in order to live a happy and successful life.

  • 1 represents a pioneer, action, and initiator.
  • 2 represents balance and harmony as being the mediator.
  • 3 represents creativity, expression, and innovators
  • 4 represents growth, hard work, responsibility, and legacy builder
  • 5 represents freedom, free-thinker, traveling, and adventure.
  • 6 represents healers, caretakers, nurturers, and empathy.
  • 7 represents perfectionists, detailed oriented and inventors
  • 8 represents abundance, wealth, and financial success.
  • 9 represents transformation, old souls, and spiritual ascent.
  • 11 represents psychic abilities, spiritual insights, and heightened intuition.
  • 22 represents master builders and long-term legacies.
  • 33 represents spiritual masters, enlightenment, and awareness

Souls urge in numerology

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A soul urge is an essence of who you are and it represents your heart’s desires. It’s what you’re here to do, and it can be found in your numerology chart. Your Soul Urge is calculated by adding up all the numbers corresponding to the vowels in your full birth name

For example, if the sum of your vowels in your name adds up to 7 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 6 + 1 = 7), then your soul urge is 7—the number of completion.

You can also find out more about yourself by looking at where certain numbers appear in relation to other numbers in your Numerology Chart: for example, if there are several 7s that precede only one 8, then this could mean that some kind of major change or transformation has been occurring recently in the subject’s life and will continue for some time into the future until such changes have reached completion.”


Master numbers in numerology

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In Numerology, all numbers are reduced to a single digit; the only exceptions are Master numbers. Master numbers are the highest numbers in numerology, they are 11, 22, and 33. Master numbers have very powerful energy and can be used for good or evil depending on how you use them.

If you see one of these numbers as part of your life path number or from any other part of your numerology chart, it means that you have a choice to make: This number will tell you what type of person you want to be but it is up to YOU to choose which path to follow.


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We hope you found value in reading through this article. Numbers are an important part of our lives, whether we realize it or not. They can be used to count, measure and keep track of things in our daily lives as well as to know more about ourselves, and our soul’s purpose and predict the future. We use them to tell time, receive messages from the divine and measure things with scales and even count up or down on our fingers without even thinking about it.

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