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Written by: David Jan 30th, 2023



Side hustles are a great way to make extra money, and they’re also a great way to learn new skills. The best part is that you don’t need any experience or training—all you need is a passion for something, and you can start making money from it. We all want more money in our wallets (who doesn’t?), so this guide will help you get started on your own side hustle today.

Table of Contents

What is a Side hustle?

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A side hustle is a secondary job you have outside of your regular 9-to-5. It can be a way to make extra money, or it can be done purely for the love and enjoyment of it.

A side hustle does not require going into an office every day from nine to five. Instead, the work can be done from home in your spare time—on nights and weekends, or whenever you feel like taking on some extra work. You can also do it at night after work when everyone else has gone home.

A side hustle is a great way to make extra money, and it’s also an excellent way to build your skills and gain experience. You can use your side hustle as a stepping stone to move into a full-time career, or you can continue with it after graduating from college.

What are the benefits of Side hustles?

The benefits of side hustles are clear. You get to:

  • Build your resume. Side hustles can help you develop skills that you can use in future jobs or even start a business. That may sound like a long-term goal, but it’s a good thing to think about now, because when you’re trying to get hired for a job and need to make money immediately, having experience doing something similar will make it more likely that an employer will hire you.
  • Build your skillset. Even if the main reason why you have a side hustle is because there’s no other way for you to pay the bills right now, it’s still worth considering whether or not working on your side project could improve some aspect of who you are as an employee later down the road—whether or not they’ll ever be directly applicable in any given situation. Maybe writing blog posts every day has helped me become better at communicating with people online; maybe coding software outside of work hours has done wonders for my problem-solving abilities at work; maybe making jewelry puts me in touch with my artistic side and helps me collaborate better with people on projects at work…there are so many ways that working on something independently from time spent at an actual job could benefit us as employees.

Try to find a balance. The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t let your side hustle take over your life. If it starts taking up too much time and energy, then you might want to consider scaling back a little bit so that you can still have time for things like spending with friends or family members, going on vacations, etc.

How to choose a Side hustle

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Choosing a side hustle is all about what you’re passionate about. If you love baking, maybe it’s your dream to open up a bakery and make pastries for people who are willing to pay for them. This might be a great fit for you because it doesn’t require much skill to set up and maintain. You could also do this from home rather than in an office building somewhere away from your home. Since you would be working on your own schedule, this would allow you freedom over when and how often you create new pastries. This could be done as part of a traditional job during some hours of the day while also creating more unique items at night or on weekends.

If baking isn’t exactly what excites you but instead photography is more appealing (or anything else), this could also work out well depending on how much time it takes up in terms of prep work beforehand as well as post-production editing afterward (if any).

As you can see, there are a lot of options for side hustles. If you’re looking for some ideas, try searching online or asking someone in the industry what they think would work best.

How to start a side hustle for beginners

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First, start by doing some research. What is the most popular side hustle these days? What kind of topics are people searching for? How do you get into a niche market?

Once you’ve figured out what kind of side hustle you want to pursue, it’s time to find your niche. Ideally, this will be something that you’re passionate about; otherwise, it can be difficult and tiresome to keep up with over time. Some examples include: writing about food and cooking (e.g, recipes), photography/videography (e.g, travel photography), and teaching languages or other skills (e.g, cooking classes).

Next, think about how you can make money from your chosen topic—do this before making any purchases or signing up for anything. Some ideas include selling products related to your passion; providing services such as tutoring or coaching; creating courses online through sites like Udemy or Skillshare; hosting events locally or online where people can come together and share knowledge with each other—these are just some ideas. Even if no one buys anything yet right away: just keep going because once they see that someone is willing/able enough they’ll trust them more than if they didn’t try at all 🙂

8 Best Side Hustles for 2023

If you’re looking to make some extra cash, side hustles are your best bet. We talked to career experts and compiled a list of the top 20 side hustles that pay big bucks.

Here are the best side hustles for 2023:

  • Freelance writing: Writing is one of the most popular and lucrative freelance gigs out there. If you have a knack for words, this could be an ideal way to earn some extra money from home.
  • Blogging: Blogging is another great way to monetize your talents and passions—and it doesn’t even require any special skills or training.
  • Flipping: Flipping is when people buy items at discounted prices and then resell them on eBay or Craigslist for a profit. This can be profitable if you have an eye for deals in retail stores or yard sales, but do your research before jumping into this side business.
  • Virtual assistant: Virtual assistants perform administrative tasks like scheduling meetings and answering emails from clients who need help managing their time efficiently (or just don’t want to do it themselves). This can be an especially lucrative option if you live near Silicon Valley because many tech companies hire VAs full-time instead of getting secretaries.

1.      Freelance Writing

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One of the easiest ways to earn money on the side is through freelance writing. This can be done from home, and you can do it in your spare time or all at once. You can write for yourself or for others, and you can write about anything.

You can write articles, blog posts or ebooks. You can also create websites and do SEO work for businesses. The possibilities are endless.

2.      Blogging

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Blogging is a great side hustle because it’s easy to get started, and it can be extremely lucrative.

A blog is a website or online journal that you create and manage yourself. Blogs are typically hosted on platforms like WordPress or Tumblr, but there are also blogging services out there that allow you to write posts without having to do any of the technical work involved in building your own site (like Squarespace).

Once you have an idea for a blog post, all it takes is an internet connection and some creativity. You can write about anything from fashion trends to food reviews; there really isn’t anything stopping you from doing whatever interests you most. As long as people find value in what you share with them, they’ll come back for more — which means more pageviews for advertisers looking for cheap ways of reaching new customers via Google AdWords campaigns.

3.      Flipping

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Flipping involves buying a product at a reduced price and then selling it for a profit. You can find items to flip on sites like eBay, Etsy, Craigslist and Amazon.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “flipping houses” before—that’s what we’re talking about here. These tips will help you get started in this exciting side hustle.

Step 1: Find an item you want to sell

Think of something that you can buy at an affordable price and resell later for more money than you paid for it. The item should be unique enough that there isn’t much competition out there but easy enough to find so that people are willing to pay top dollar if they see what you have up for sale online or in person (if possible).

Examples include things like antiques from garage sales or flea markets; slightly damaged items from thrift stores; used clothing; old toys/games; collectible Disney figurines (or any other brand name products), etc. Just make sure what you’re selling isn’t illegal.

4.      Virtual Assistant

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A virtual assistant is someone who helps out with all kinds of tasks, from answering phone calls and emails to running errands and taking care of your kids. And while there are plenty of companies that offer virtual assistants as a service, you can also be a part-time or full-time VA right from home—which will give you the flexibility to work when it’s most convenient for you.

The best way to become a VA is by picking up some skills that make you valuable in this area. There are many ways to get started: You could take a course on how to be an online personal assistant on Udemy (less than $20), or read through these tips on starting your own side hustle as a virtual assistant from Megan McArdle at Bloomberg View (free). Once you’ve got the skills under your belt, start looking for jobs on sites like Upwork; Fiverr; TaskRabbit; Fiverr; People Per Hour; Craigslist;—or even ask friends and family if they have any leads for clientele.

5.      Teaching

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Teaching is a great side hustle for anyone who wants to make extra money and have flexibility in their schedule. You can teach virtually anything from English to yoga, and there are lots of different options for teaching—you could tutor one-on-one or give online classes. You also don’t need a degree or certification to get started, but if you want more credibility with potential students, you may choose to pursue some sort of credentials.

To get started, you’ll need to set up your own website or blog and post information about your classes. You can also create social media accounts (like Facebook and Twitter) to advertise your services. When students sign up for a class, they can use an online payment platform like PayPal to process payments.

6.      Transcription

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  • Transcription is the process of converting speech into written text.
  • You can find transcription jobs as an online freelancer, or you can become a transcriptionist at home.
  • Transcripts are used in many different professions and industries, including law, medicine, journalism, and education. If you enjoy listening to audio recordings then this is a great side hustle for you.
  • Earning potential: $10-$20 per hour on average.

How it works: Find a transcription job on freelance marketplaces like Upwork, ProZ, and Guru. These jobs can also be found on websites that specialize in transcription work, such as Transcribe me or (see below). Set your price per hour and per word for the job.

7.      Photography and Graphic Designing

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Photography and graphic design are two of the easiest side hustles to get started with, but they can also be the hardest to actually make money from. However, if you’re willing to put in some time and effort, it’s possible to earn thousands of dollars per month.

  • Easy to get started: If you’re interested in photography or graphic design, it’s incredibly easy to get started. All you need is a camera (which could cost as little as $100) or some basic editing software. Once you have your gear sorted out, all that’s left is finding clients.

Hard to scale: The most common mistake people make with side hustles that involve photography or graphic design is trying to run them like a business. In reality, these are hobbies and should be treated as such. If you want to earn a full-time income from either of these gigs, it will take years of hard work and dedication.

8.      Surveys, Focus Groups, and Product Testing

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A survey is a tool used to collect information from a group of people. You can find surveys on most websites that ask where you live, what kinds of products you buy, and how much money you make. When someone completes a survey, they are rewarded with gift cards and other incentives.

Focus groups are similar to surveys in that they collect information from participants about their opinions and preferences. These groups usually consist of 6-12 people who meet at a local business or community center for an hour or two at a time to talk about their thoughts on something like the newest ice cream flavor from Ben & Jerry’s or whether they prefer paper towels over Swiffer cloths. In exchange for giving up some time and sharing your opinion with them (and possibly having it aired at some point in the future), focus groups typically pay around $50 per person per session plus $5-$10 worth of coupons or other giveaways (or even cash). Product testing is also similar to focus groups but focuses specifically on new products instead of just ideas like flavors or brands – this means that if there’s ever anything being developed out there that needs feedback before launch, product testers will be needed.


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We covered the basics of side hustles and mentioned some ways you can start today.

  • Side hustles are a great way to make extra money.
  • Side hustles can be an easy way to make money from home.
  • Side hustles can be a way to start a business.
  • Side hustles can be a way to get experience for a full time job.

Side hustles can be a way to get more comfortable with money. Side hustles can be a fun way to make extra money. Side hustles can be a great way to make money while traveling. Side hustles can be a good way to start your own business.

The point is that there are a lot of ways to make money on the side. This post covered some of the best methods, but there are many others out there as well. The important thing is to find something that fits your personality and interests.

All the information in this article is putting you on the right track towards multiple streams of income but if you are interested in taking a closer step toward financial freedom you can click the link FINANCIAL FREEDOM to check out our financial freedom course. We update our course contents regularly and you’re guaranteed to live the life of your dreams.

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Thank you for reading, ASE!!!.

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